Название: Encyclopedia of Native American Artists Authors: Deborah Everett, Elayne L. Zorn Год издания: 2008 Издательство: Greenwood ISBN: 0313337624 Страниц: 304 Качество: хорошее Размер: 2,5 MB Формат файла: PDF Язык: английский От издателя: Indigenous North Americans have continuously made important contributions to the field of art in the U.S. and Canada, yet have been severely under-recognized and under-represented. Native artists work in diverse media, some of which are considered art (sculpture, painting, photography), while others have been considered craft (works on cloth, basketry, ceramics).Some artists feel strongly about working from a position as a Native artist, while others prefer to produce art not connected to a particular cultural tradition. | | Данные о файле | Размер | 2,5 MB | Скачиваний | 3299 | Язык | | Лицензия | | Автор | | Web-сайт | | Цена | | Дата создания | 2009-06-25 16:21:37 | Создан: | admin | Дата изменения | 2009-06-28 01:30:34 | Изменен: | admin | 
