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World’s most expensive hotel PDF Печать
( 1 Голос )
Автор: Никодим Задрушляк

The world’s biggest and most expensive Hotel on planet earth 10 STARS premium. This is so really, this concept Hotel is turning for reality. This was originally meant to be in Dubai (of course) but there are rumors saying that it is now shifted to be in Lebanon, on Beirut’s bay (This could be just a rumor, nothing official about that so far). Consists Of 28 Floors, Underwater Restaurant, 400+ Suites, Multiple Clubs, Cinemas And Lots Of high Tech Fancy-Shmancy Stuff.

Location: Beirut – Lebanon
Area: Facing Marina & Saint Georges Beach “middle of the sea” Beirut
Starting date of construction: June 2009 Estimation time: 3 years
Cost of project: around 4 Billion US Dollars
Official announcement of project: August 2008 in Beirut, Lebanon.


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